Humanity First
Humankind is a global family. It transcends all divides. Social, cultural, political and religious barriers should not impose any impediment in its unity. Yet human beings have torn apart this pristine unity because of precisely these barriers.
We have generally forgotten that we are human beings first and then Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Christians. Religions were adopted by human beings and not vice versa.
We have generally forgotten that we are human beings first and then Asians, Americans, Africans, Australians and Europeans. Continental divides are merely habitats due to our our birth.
We have generally forgotten that we are human beings first and then those who may be recognized by their skin colour. Skin colours are merely hues of our form and shape.
The reason of all this is perhaps that we have forgotten that we are the progeny of one mother and father: Adam and Eve. This makes us a family of families. It is much like the universe which is a galaxy of galaxies. The vast nature of this family has made us forget that all of us are members of one family.
Let us keep this fact in mind and feel for each other as we feel for our near ones. A human being in pain is a brother or sister in pain. A human being who has risen to the highest status in a society should be a source of pride for us because he or she is part of us. The sentiments of praise must arise in us and jealousy should not dare come near us.
Let us put humanity first and every other thread of relationship after it. It is our first religion, our first connection, our first family!
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