Guard thy Gaze!
With the advent of the media revolution, we are witnessing an unprecedented exchange of information around us. This giant leap has afforded us the opportunity to explore frontiers as yet unexplored and potentials not yet realized. “Boldly, we are going where no man has gone before.” Cultural boundaries are being infringed and a new global culture has emerged.
Nothing can be done to stop this advancement nor is there any need to do so. However, there is one dire need: protecting the heart from impurities by shielding the eyes from contamination.
The speed with which bits, bytes and photons continue to traverse the mind, heart and soul is mind boggling. One may not even begin to grasp what is happening until it is too late. In the humdrum of TV, Internet and Dish Channels, while hunting for entertainment one may end up forsaking one’s inner purity without realizing what has been lost. The faculty of sight is vital. Its affect on the heart is the most potent. If proper vigilance is not maintained, the eyes may still remain lit but the soul will be engulfed in desolate darkness. Almost two millenniums ago, Jesus (sws) had warned:
You have heard that it was said: “Do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew, 5:27-29)
Let us guard our gazes to preserve our inner purity.
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