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Dr Shehzad Saleem217 posts 0 comments
Dr Shehzad Saleem is an Islamic researcher and holds a Ph.D. in the History of the Quran from the University of Wales, UK. He studied religion under the tutelage of Javed Ahmad Ghamidi and is currently a Research Fellow of Al-Mawrid. Dr Shehzad Saleem has authored books on Islam, Quran, Hadith and Character Building. He has also translated some works of famous Islamic scholars and exegetes like Amin Ahsan Islahi and Javed Ahmad Ghamidi into English.
When darkness looms everywhere
When tyranny does cause a scareWhen life and honour are at stake
When worries…
The Truth
O Truth!
Thou art crafty and elusive
Thy quest seldom conclusive
Restless and agitated
I continue unabated
God is Ever Merciful and we always expect that He will deal mercifully with us and forgive our mistakes even if we…
To a torrent shall I compare thee!
Or to daffodils that dance in gleeTo the soft summer breeze
To a mother’s…
Bed or Deathbed
In the bed we sleep
Death can creepLike a silent snake
That is ever awakeBut seldom we care
That death…
To My Mother!
Kindness found a meaning new
In her person sweet and trueBenevolence also she has redefined
With a gentle…
God’s Domain
Human beings at times do not realize that they are stepping into God's domain. In their fervour and zeal to produce…
Can Muslims Eat Kosher Meat?
Is it allowed for Muslims to use Kosher meat? Second query is about the fast food service of McDonald Burgers and…
Sharing Income And Expenses in a Combined Family
I live with my family consisting of my mother, unmarried sister, my wife and three sons aged 7,5,3 yrs…